10:58 PM


Dips Academy

Being Sciene Graduate or Post Graduate, are you really aware of avenues open for you? Remember this is the era ofinformation, “more information you have, more mighty you are.”Now here we introduce the avenues open for you i.e. the places where you can make your dreams come true.Believe in yourself and be sure that no financial or social background bars you studying in the following Institutes theonly things which matters is your potential.

CSIR-JRF/NETCSIR-UGC hold a national eligibilitytest twice a year in the month of Juneand December for JRF and Lectureship(LS).Approximately 12000 students appearfrom Maths stream and among themapproximately two hundred studentsawarded eligibility certificate fromCSIR/UGC, which make them eligiblefor teaching in various degreeinstitutions all over India. Meritoriousstudents get JRF in which they enjoyscholarship of about 12,000/-permonth better among them may getinterview/written call from CSIR forSPM (Shyama Prasad Mukherjee)fellowship and successful candidatesget about 25,000/- per month asscholarship.The minimum qualification requiredis MA/MSc. with atleast 55% marks(For SC/ST 50% required) where as agelimit for JRF is 28 yrs. for malecandidates and 33 yrs. for femalecandidates. There is no bar on age toqualify NET for Lectureship (LS) andthere is some relaxation in age limitfor JRF for SC/ST.For more details log onhttp://www.csirhrdg.res.in/GATE (Graduate AptitudeTest In Engineering)MHRD holds Graduate Aptitude Testin the Engineering every year. For theeligibility for admission to postgraduate programs with MHRD andother Government Scholarship inEngineering/ Technology /Architecture/ Pharmacy/ Science.The post graduate students ofMathematics can pursue M. Tech inComputer Science/ IndustrialM a t h e m a t i c s / I n f o r m a t i o nTechnology/ Hydrology from I.I.T’s and also research in Mathematics(Ph.D) having a valid GATE Score.


It invites Applications from motivatedstudents, with consistently goodacademic record, for enrolment in a Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics /Theoretical Computer Science, at anyof the following institutes:(i) Aryabhatta Research Institute ofObservational Sciences.(ARIES), Nainital, for Astronomy.(ii) Harish-Chandra Research Institute(HRI), Allahabad, for TheoreticalPhysics, Mathematics & Astrophysics.(iii) The Institute of MathematicalSciences (IMSc), Chennai, forTheoretical Physics, Mathematics andTheoretical Computer Science.(iv) Jawaharlal Nehru Centre forAdvanced Scientific Research(JNCASR), Bangalore, forExperimental and TheoreticalCondensed Matter Physics, StatisticalMechanics and Materials Science.(v) National Centre for RadioAstrophysics (NCRA), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, forAstronomy and Astrophysics.

The minimum qualification forResearch is M.A./ M. Sc. inMathematics in related disciplines orthe students who expect to completetheir final examination by August ofthis year are also eligible to apply.Candidates applying for Ph. D.Programmes in all disciplines willhave to appear for the JEST (writtenexamination) in the relevant disciplineUsing the JEST score each institute willcall a limited number of candidates forits further selection proceduredepending on its requirements.For Mathematics at HRI/ IMSc,application forms can be obtained bywriting to : The Registrar, Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), OffG. T. Road, Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi,Allahabad - 211 019. Alternatively forMathematics the application form canbe downloaded fromhttp://www.mri.ernet.in/.At HRI, candidates with a Bachelor’sdegree will also be considered for the Integrated M. Sc. - Ph. D. programmein Mathematics/Physics.At IMSc, graduates with B. Sc./B. E./B. Tech. degree will also beconsidered for admission to theM.Sc. (by Research) programme inMathematics/Theoretical ComputerScience/Physics, as part of anintegrated Ph.D. these disciplinesThere are several other Institute whichconduct their own entrance exams forthe eligibility for M. Tech andResearches like-

I.I.Sc. BangloreI.I.Sc. conducts its entrance test inmonth of May every year foradmissions to Integrated Ph.D/Ph.D./M.Tech. Entrance examinations consistobjective and short answer typequestions. Successful candidates haveto clear interview at Banglorecampus.Students having high GATEscore(above 90 percentile) or JRF areeligible for direct interview. For moredetails log on http://www.iisc.ernet.in/I.S.I. Kolkata/Delhi/BangloreUnique institution devoted to theresearch, teaching and application ofstatistics, natural sciences and socialsciences It conducts its entrance test inthe month of May for M. Tech andPh.D. ISI offers various avenues forstudents of Mathematics fromGraduation to Doctoral level. They offers courses like B.STAT(HONS), JRFin computer and communicationsciences & JRF in Physics, in AppliedMathematics, M. STAT, M. Tech incomputer Science, M.Tech in Quality,Reliability and Operations Research,M. Math, B. Math. For more details logon http://www.isical.ac.in/,ww.isibang.ac.in, http://www.isid.ac.in/


It conducts its entrance exam for M.Tech in the month of May. Eligibilityis M.Sc. with minimum 55%marks.Students having High GATE score orJRF are eligible for direct interview.For more details log onhttp://www.jnu.ac.in/


The School of Mathematics at TataInstitute of Fundamental Research(TIFR) have interests in areas likeAlgebra, Algebraic Geometry, LieGroups, Lie Algebras, AlgebraicGroups, Representation Theory andQuantum Groups, Theory of Numbers,Combinatorics, Differ-entialGeometry and Topology, Real andComplex Analysis, Ergodic Theory,Probability Theory on Groups andMathematical Physics.The School of Mathematics has aCentre in Bangalore dedicated to thestudy of Applied Mathematics wheremathematicians work in the fields ofDifferential Equations, Harmonic Analysis, Numerical Analysis andProbability Theory. For more detailslog on http://www.tifr.res.in/There are some other places alsowilling to give you admission forhigher studies provided you areambitious enough and having gutsNBHMThe National Board for HigherMathematics (NBHM) was formed bythe Department of Atomic Energy tofoster the development of highermathematics in the country, help in theestablishment and development ofmathematics centres and give financialassitance to research projects and todoctoral and post-doctoral scholars.For more details log onhttp://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/HRIHarish-Chandra Research Institute(HRI)( formerly known as MehtaResearch Institute(MRI)) is aninstitution dedicated to research inmathematics, and in theoreticalphysics. It is located in Allahabad,India, and is funded by the Departmentof Atomic Energy, Government ofIndia. For more details log onhttp://www.mri.ernet.in/.