1. DIPS Classroom Program Cell
Exclusive NET Batch (ENB): These commence on 15th of January & 10th February for June NET and 15th July, 28th July & 10th August for December NET. These batches are sharply focused on CSIR-JRF/NET. Admission in the 1st batch for both June NET and Dec. NET is on entrance exam basis.
Exclusive GATE Batch (EGB): The exclusive GATE batch commence on 15th July, first week of August & September every year and ends just five day before the day of examiniation. In this batch we try to develop among our students, the skill of solving objective type questions and provide shortcut tricks. Admission in the 1st batch of GATE is also on entrance exam basis.
Quick Review GATE Batch (QRGB): This is especially designed for GATE. It is fast track 100 hours Batch and runs in the month of January only. Commencing on 5th of January.
IAS-Main Batches: Batches for IAS mains run throughout
the year and commence on 10th of every month. IAS-Pre. Batches: These batches starts in the Mid of January & 1st week of February every year.
IAS-Foundation Batches: These batches are designed for fresh graduates or early beginner of UPSC exams and covers everything of the syllabus starting from scratch. These batches commence in the month of June & January every year.
MCA / JAM Batch: These batches starts in the 25th of July
and 1st of every subsequent months upto October. JNU M.Tech Batch: This Batch is designed only for JNU M.Tech entrance exams and commencing on 10th February, every year.
DLP /Part Time Program for NET :
DLP is a distance learning program which is recently launched to cater the working aspirants. In this program there is weekend (Saturday & sunday) class, doubt session & test for enhancement & betterment of the students. As well as study material and assignment of each topic in which more than thousand of question will be provided.
2. DIPS Counseling and Information Cell:
This cell provides all the information regarding the various
higher level exams related to MATHEMATICS and provide a platform, where DIPS students can discuss any of their issues regarding their preparation and provides various books and prototype question papers.
3. DIPS Correspondence Program Cell:
There are many people preparing for exams but due to their own reasons they are unable to join the regular DIPS Batches. They can also avail the benefits of our high quality study material designed by experience Mathemati-cians of DIPS group. Study material package consists of more than thousand questions for Paper I whereas selective topics for Paper II covering atmost 25 popular questions and guidlines for preparation and choosing topics.
4. DIPS Library:
DIPS library has a versatile collection of books on pure as well as on applied Mathematics. These books help students enhance their knowledge beyond their regular books. It has also some classic collection on literature, personality development and General studies due to keen interest of Director Mr. Rajendra Dubey in these areas.
5. Fee Structure:
(i) ENB : 20,225/
(ii) EGB : 20,225/
(iii) ENB & EGB (Combined) : 22,475/
(iv) IAS (Pre-Cum-Mains) : 28,100/
(v) IAS (Pre.) : 11,235/
(vi) IAS (Mains) : 22,475/
(vii) MCA/JAM : 19,100/
(viii) DLP (NET) : 11,235/
(ix) Crosspondence Course (NET) : 7,000/
Mode of Payment is through cash / cheque /demand draft in favour of Dubey’s Information Pool & Solution Pvt. Ltd. payable at New Delhi.
(i) ENB : 20,225/
(ii) EGB : 20,225/
(iii) ENB & EGB (Combined) : 22,475/
(iv) IAS (Pre-Cum-Mains) : 28,100/
(v) IAS (Pre.) : 11,235/
(vi) IAS (Mains) : 22,475/
(vii) MCA/JAM : 19,100/
(viii) DLP (NET) : 11,235/
(ix) Crosspondence Course (NET) : 7,000/
Mode of Payment is through cash / cheque /demand draft in favour of Dubey’s Information Pool & Solution Pvt. Ltd. payable at New Delhi.
(To give happiness to others is a great act of charity )
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